Lazy afternoons

  The English language has no dearth of beautiful adjectives that describe everything one would possibly ever want to describe.  There are some adjectives however, that must go with certain nouns.  It is as if they were made as pairs – blue sky, crispy fries, cosy couch, hot cuppa.  These pairs have been coined as…Details

Life & Death

  Death - the state of being dead … when it comes, it stuns the life out of everyone around.  The blow of death hits the dead person silent, reducing him from an animate, warm, bubbling, noisy living somebody to a still, cold, rigid, silent “body”.  But it’s not just the dead person that this…Details

Newton’s Laws Relearned

  I loved physics at school; and Newton’s laws of motion was among my  favourite concepts, as it helped explain so many things I saw in the real world around me.  Little did I know then that these same laws that govern the world of physics also apply to the world of mental physics, something…Details

Tasmania – Wonder, Down Under

` “Tasmania??? I wonder…”, said I.  We were exploring possible destinations for a winter vacation and Tasmania had just popped up as a serious option, checking off all criteria - not too cold at that time of the year, not visited so far, and one with a lot of natural beauty.  I was surprised at…Details

The “Line”

It was heart-rending to see Steve Smith’s press conference video yesterday.  A success story, a role-model, a hero reduced to zero.  It was difficult to associate this diffident-looking, devastated and broken man with the swashbuckling batsman we loved.  One could not help feeling very sorry.  Such a sad self-inflicted turn of events for one of…Details

The forbidden fruit

It looks like a hot day; a lot of water is splashing around and the view is not clear. As the splashing subsides a bit, a bunch of kids of varying ages are briefly visible, playing in water, and hold on, this is not a swimming pool, it looks like a lake or a river. Just as I am beginning to recognize the scene, it dissolves, and a new one appears, this one with a bunch of playing cards that kids are playing with.


To Mothers and Motherhood

Tomorrow is Mothers’ Day.  As I sipped my tea this morning, the thought of Mothers’ Day triggered a question in my head – what is motherhood?  And this set off an avalanche of memories, ideas and thoughts, exploring the meaning of motherhood and how it has impacted my life.  The outcome of this morning reflection is this ode (in prose) … to mothers and motherhood …


परसतिश – A tribute to the golden voice of Lata Mangeshkar

“This is not just any musing that I have written about, it is a labour of my love for Lataji’s voice, an avid account of my admiration and adulation for her work and her career.  I have not seen God, but I have felt His or Her Divine presence in Lataji’s voice.  To me, that golden voice is the best manifestation I know of माँ  सरस्वती (Maa Saraswati), the goddess of the arts and learning.  This is therefore an offering of my love, my worship, my पूजा, my इबादत, my परसतिश – to the golden voice of Lataji!”
